OpenPlant Modeler Help

Generate Spool ID

The Pipeline Manager provides an option to assign Spool ID's to selected pipeline components. This property holds the unique id of the spool it belongs to, components that share the same spool id belong to the same spool.

The Spool Id constitutes of the SPOOL_PREFIX, defined on the Pipeline, and a number at the end that uniquely identifies that spool in that particular pipeline. When you use the AutoGenerate Spool ID option, the id is assigned to the pipeline components as shown:

In addition to these two properties a SPOOL_COUNT property has been added to pipeline that tracks the number of spool defined in a pipeline.

To generate spool ids, launch Pipeline Manager and select the pipelines for which you want to generate the spools. There are three options to automatically generate Spool Ids.
  • AutoGenerate Spool Ids: Clears out previous spools if any, and regenerates the spools.
  • Clear Spool Ids: Clears out all spools from the pipeline.
  • Update Spool Ids: Use this option if you have already generated spool ids for some of your components and want these to be retained while the system refreshes the spools. This will try to keep any valid spool ids that were generated in a previous run, or assigned by the user.

The Spools are generated using a spool breaking criteria. In OpenPlant Modeler we have three criteria which decide if the component is a field or part of a shop spool.

Fastener Types

If the SHOP_FIELD or TYPE, in case of welds, property of a fastener between two components has a FIELD value, it marks that port as a spool break and the connecting component is not part of the current spool. The Field types can be controlled by the user using a config variable defined in the project pcf file. The default values are as follows and can be adjusted by the user according to their design. Please refer to the other attached documents for details on how each of these is used in the industry.

Edit Preparations

There are certain end preparations which will be classified as field end preps. Further component traversal from that point is terminated when one of these end preps is found while creating spools.


Size is also an industry criteria when classifying components that qualify for being joined in to a spool at the Shop. Sizes smaller than a certain threshold will not be joined into a spool.